GRE exam is a standardized exam required by those students who wish to seek admission to graduate courses like MS, MSc, MBA, etc. at universities abroad. It is a 3 hour and 45 minutes, multiple-choice, a multi-stage test required by most graduate schools. The exam is conducted by Educational Testing Service (ETS).
The GRE Test is accepted by thousands of graduate schools across the world. Apart from this, various Business and Law schools and different departments within these schools accept GRE test scores.
There are two types of GRE exams: GRE General Test and GRE Subject Test. Listening and speaking sections are the same for both these tests, however, the subject matter for the writing and reading sections are different depending on which test one takes.
It includes standards of candidate evaluation process such as verbal reasoning, analytical writing skills and quantitative reasoning. The GRE Exam is conducted around the year, and candidates can appear for the GRE General Test at their convenience. A large number of students opt for this test as the majority of universities across the world accept GRE scores.
It concentrates on a particular subject test based on the candidate’s profile and as per the requirement of the college.
The subject tests are conducted in the following topics: Mathematics, Literature (English), Physics and Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, and Biochemistry (Cell and Molecular Biology). Generally, this test is required for getting admission to specialized courses. The GRE General Test is offered year-round as a computer-delivered test in most locations around the world.