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GMAT Syllabus, Training And Reading Materials In Nigeria 2025

This includes topics from Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning, and Analytical Writing Assessment.

GMAT Syllabus & Training

Analytical Writing Assessment Section

This section has a 30-minute essay which includes; Analysis of an Argument:

  • Examine and analyse the given argument.
  • Figure out the reasoning behind an argument and write a critique of the same.
  • Work out a methodical approach to present your answer.
  • Consider various viewpoints.
  • Support your answer with appropriate examples and explanation.
  • Be sure of the right grammar usage while presenting your answer.
  • Integrated Reasoning Section

    It has 12 questions with thirty minutes to answer this section. The score is on a scale of 1 to 8.

  • Table Analysis: In this, you are provided with loads of information in a table format. The question asked expects you to pick answers from yes/no, true/false with multiple statements to answer under each question.
  • Graphics Interpretation: In this type, you are given a graph or a graphical image. You’re expected to interpret the graph and complete the statements given by choosing one of the options from the pull-down menu.
  • Multi-Source Reasoning: Here you have to gather information by clicking on the various tabs (2-3) provided. The data available may be presented either as text or in the form of charts, tables. The answers may be in the yes/no, true/false format or as multiple choice options.
  • Two-Part Analysis: You have a question and multiple choices provided. The answers in a table form have the two components occupying the first two columns and the answer options in the third column. Of all the options provided, you have to choose only one option under each component to complete one answer.
  • Quantitative Reasoning Section

    You have to attempt 31 questions with 62 minutes to complete this section. The questions are designed to put your math skills to test; They revolve around basic arithmetic, algebra and geometry. This section has multiple choice questions that fall in the following two categories:

  • Data sufficiency questions: This section is intended to test your ability to assess the given data systematically. You’d be given a question followed by two statements and five answer choices. These answer choices always remain the same.
  • Problem solving questions: This part is designed to test your quantitative skills and your ability to solve a problem using the various mathematical concepts.
  • Verbal Reasoning Section

    You will have 65 minutes to answer 36 multiple choice questions that fall in one of the following category: Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, and Sentence Correction.

  • Reading Comprehension: In this section you are given a passage (approximately 350 words) on a topic and multiple choice questions based on the same.
  • Critical Reasoning: There are around 14 critical reasoning questions in the GMAT verbal section. The passage is in the form of an argument with five answer choices.
  • Sentence Correction: You are given a sentence having an underlined portion and five answer choices.
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