These exams are reqiured for admission to universities and colleges in various countries across the globe. At times, the need may be a combination of two or more of the tests/examinations specific to that country and its education system.
Our students gain much more than a Tests/Examinations Training here as well as the Scholarship opportunities that may come through our agency. You can take advantage of the excellent standards of teaching that MyExamConnect provides.
This page explain how GMAT exam is being organized and how to prepare to achieve your desired result. You will also understand how to check GMAT examnination score or result.
Candidates should keep in mind that Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Qualitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning. In total, the test takes just under three and a half (3 hours 30 minutes) hours to complete, including two optional breaks.
Analytical Writing Assessment
This section contains 1 topic Analysis of Argument 30 minutes.
Integrated Reasoning
This section consists of 12 questions in multi-source Reasoning, Graphics Interpretation , Two part Analysis, Table Analysis for 30 minutes.
Qunatitative Reasoning
This section consists of 37 Questions in Data sufficiency, Problem solving for 75 minutes.
Verbal Reasoning
This section consists of 41 Questions Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, Sentence correction for 75 minutes.
GMAT Test Score in Nigeria
The average GMAT score for the top 50 business schools in the US is between 634-734 in 2021.
On the other hand, the average GMAT score for the top 16 b-schools in Europe range between 638-709.
Similarly, to get into the top 10 business schools in Canada, the average score required is 620, and for Australia, it is 661 (top 5).
Frequently Asked Questions on GMAT Test/Exam In Nigeria
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GMAT Exam Registration
GMAT - Graduate Management Admission Test: To pursue post graduate career in business and management.