These exams are reqiured for admission to universities and colleges in various countries across the globe. At times, the need may be a combination of two or more of the tests/examinations specific to that country and its education system.
Our students gain much more than a Tests/Examinations Training here as well as the Scholarship opportunities that may come through our agency. You can take advantage of the excellent standards of teaching that MyExamConnect provides.
Macromolecules – Structure and Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
Immunology – Immune system components and mode of function
Embryology – Foetus development and pregnancy.
And Other A'LEVEL Topics.
General Chemistry
Atom and molecules.
Acids and bases.
Molecular Polarity.
Psychological Integrity.
Solubility Product.
Oxidation Numbers.
Electrolysis and electrochemical Cell.
And Other A'LEVEL Topics.
Organic Chemistry
Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes.
Stereochemistry – Isomerism, meso compounds etc.
Stereochemistry – Nomenclature and stereoisomerism in alkenes
Free Radicals
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
And Other A'LEVEL Topics.
Motion and forces.
Conservation of Energy.
Heat and Temperature.
And Other A'LEVEL Topics.
Frequently Asked Questions on GAMSAT Test/Exam In Nigeria
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GAMSAT Exam Registration
GAMSAT Graduate Medical Schools Admission Test : is a test required for applications to all but one Graduate Entry Medical course in Australia, as well as various other dentistry, optometry and podiatry courses.